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Cybersteel Inc.
376-293 City Road, Suite 600
San Francisco, CA 94102

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Mental Health Masterclass

  • Neurowissenschaftliche Einblicke in Stressbewältigung
  • Aufbau von Resilienz für langfristige mentale Stärke
  • Effektive Kommunikation und Grenzen setzen
  • Intergration von Präventionsstrategien im Alltag
  • Tools und praktische Übungen für akute Problemlösungen

Lob und Empfehlungen der Teilnehmenden:

"Der Kurs ist in jeder Hinsicht empfehlenswert, professionell wie auch privat. Die mentalen Werkzeuge, die Frau Dr. Wünsch in einer sehr wertschätzenden und reflektierten Art anbietet, sind allesamt praktikabel und verständlich. Fachlich Interessierte profitieren zudem vom aktuellen wissenschaftlichen Hintergrund des Kurses und seiner Ideengeberin. Definitiv ein Meilenstein auf meinem eigenen Weg des lebenslangen Lernens.“
— Alexander Schmolke
Behördlicher Datenschutzbeauftragter, Dozent und juristischer Berater Berliner Senatsverwaltung für Wissenschaft, Gesundheit, Pflege und Gleichstellung
„Das Mental Health E-Training von Laura hat mich überzeugt. Laura, inspiriert mit ihrer sympathischen, humorvollen und authentischen Art. Die Module sind kurzweilig gestaltet, und die Länge jedes einzelnen Abschnitts ist perfekt auf die Aufmerksamkeitsspanne abgestimmt. Mein Highlight ist der neurowissenschaftliche Blick auf das Thema Mental Health. Das macht den Zugang für eher bodenständige Menschen wie mich zugänglich und nachvollziehbar. Das vielleicht wichtigste: das Training hinterlässt einen nachhaltigen Eindruck, Laura gibt Anleitungen, Veränderungen in den Alltag zu integrieren. Es funktioniert.“
— Dunja Schuessler
Senior Manager Sales and Marketing Dr. Oetker
„Dr. Laura Wünsch schafft es, mit einfachen und effektiven Hacks das komplexe Thema Mental Health greifbar zu machen – ein Kurs, der zeigt, wie kleine Veränderungen einen großen Unterschied machen können. Gerade in einer Zeit, in der mentale Gesundheit immer wichtiger wird, eine absolute Empfehlung!“
— Birgit Schnee
Vorstandskommunikation - KI-Projektleitung Kommunikation DATEV eG

As featured by |

Why Neuroscience will set you up for success while navigating through the radical global changes of how we work, lead, learn, live & collaborate

Companies and individuals that will thrive in the future are those that are able to view uncomfortable changes as an opportunity to grow, reinvent themselves in the middle of a crisis and embrace interpersonal conflicts and debates as a healthy sign of innovation and resilience.

Do you ever wonder why your transformation efforts do not stick? Why your employees, customers and suppliers don’t adopt a “new way of working” (e.g., automation; remote work; freelance and sharing economy; work values, such as purpose, sustainability, well-being, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI), needs for transparency and self-expression)?

We already know the answers from recent discoveries from Neuroscience: Because these efforts go against our human nature, as we spend a majority of our time on autopilot, naturally dislike change and are sceptic towards new ideas (“Neophobia”). We need to utilize neuroscientific tools to understand what holds people’s attention, gives them purpose and motivates them to adopt change sustainably. The results of these applications for businesses and individuals are remarkable and contribute to whoever “will make it or break it”.

Voted as top 10 out of 10 female Mental Health Experts by STRIVE Magazine

How your employees & business thrive with Neuroscience Consulting

Applied Neuroscience gives you tools and insights that you need to better understand human behavior in general and within the business context. This will improve your business decisions within talent identification, promotion and retention, as well as building capable leaders and effective teams.

Training your brain with science-based strategies will equip your organization to develop new habits and skills to react calm and flexible towards unforeseen crises and disruptions. It will set up your leaders to handle difficult conversations in order to establish meaningful relationships with their teams and customers, ultimately being able to build a healthy, purposeful and resilient organization.

Who is Dr. Laura Wünsch?

As a scientist, company founder, university lecturer (e.g., Cambridge), mental health advisor, former management consultant, global head in the health industry and social worker I bring a rare skillset and a huge variety of experiences to your business table. Combined with my international background and interdisciplinary education you will receive a unique set of tools and solutions for your challenges and opportunities in business, as well as your personal life.

My customers appreciate my unique mix of touching minds through neuroscience, affecting hearts through relatable stories from the individuals and companies I worked with around the globe and the clear instructions for action to make the theory and case reports come to life in their business culture.

Telekom Digital Factory Lecture Dr. Laura Wünsch

Expertise, Industries, Geographies


My expertise is multidisciplinary, multicultural and encompasses all hierarchy ranks. I worked with CEOs, board members, upper & middle management, junior employees, as well as blue collar workers. They all acknowledged my ability to bridge gaps across a broad range of their individual and shared needs.

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I worked in more than 25 industries from automotive, financial services to telecommunication and renewables. Through that expertise I quickly understand the needs of my clients and speak their language.

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I have worked as a true citizen of this planet and supported global companies, government agencies, charitable foundations, NGO’s, universities and individuals in more than 35 countries on all continents.

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Clients and Cooperations

Featured publications






"Die Keynote von Dr. Laura Wünsch 'Wie die Hirnforschung uns erfolgreich bei Transformationen unterstützen kann' auf unserer Führungskräftetagung war mitreißend, kurzweilig und informativ. Unsere Kolleg:innen waren begeistert, denn wir waren alle ganz entspannt im blauen Lernmodus."
— Sabine Gilliam
Vorsitzende der Geschäftsführung Pfizer Deutschland

„Laura is a phenomenal keynote speaker, combining broad and rich scientifically based insights into neuroscience with an inspirational, picture-rich presentation style which makes it interesting and easy to follow. And you get concrete tips how everyone can adapt. After listening to her speech you have no more excuses not to act.”

— Oliver Herrmann
SVP New Ways of Working Deutsche Telekom AG

„Laura’s scientifically grounded insights on how to change the minds and hearts to make diversity work has been very inspirational for us and really helped us to sharpen our approach.”

— Amarendran Subramanian
Managing Director and Partner BCG and BCG GAMMA

„Laura ist eine überragende Key Note Präsentatorin. Sie bringt mit viel Charme und Fachwissen eine schwierige Materie simplifiziert, leidenschaftlich, emotional und sehr anschaulich rüber. Sie hat das Publikum, inklusive mir, absolut begeistert.“

— Christopher Knörr
Managing Director (GVP) DACH Workday

Get in touch with Dr. Laura

I would be delighted to hear from you, whether you want to find out more about our services and expertise or learn how we can support you and your organization.

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