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Cybersteel Inc.
376-293 City Road, Suite 600
San Francisco, CA 94102

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+44 1234 567 890

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Have any Questions? +01 123 444 555

Discover how effectively using your “brain in business” will improve your decision making & inclusive culture

Featured publications

Whether you are looking for a podcast, short article, interview or an entertaining video. You can browse through my library and dive deeper into one of the most fascinating topics of the 21st century: How our new ways of working, living & collaborating will shape our collective and individual future and how Neuroscience can support us while navigating through the great changes of our time. These are available in English and German and I would love to hear from you!


Der Handelsblatt Podcast „Rethink Work“ zum Thema man sollte nicht glauben, was man denkt

Auf einen Tee mit Deinem Gehirn

How to Create an Award-winning culture(EN):

Mehr Rock auf der Bühne - Gehirngerecht kommunizieren

Gefühle bei der Arbeit – Zeigen oder verstecken?

The Hacking HR Podcast(EN)

On The Way To New Work– Der Podcast über neue Arbeit(DE)

Mentale Gesundheit bei der Arbeit(DE)

Creating psychological safety @work & overcoming the imposter syndrome”(EN)


Diversity & Inclusion 2.0

Wie das Smartphone unser Gehirn und unsere Beziehungen gefährden kann

Drei Probleme, die Frauen im Job ausbremsen - und wie wir sie lösen

Der Nahles-Effekt: Warum nur mögen wir manche Frauen nicht?

Warum es wichtig ist, unsere sexuelle Orientierung nicht am Arbeitsplatz verstecken zu müssen

Für alle kämpfen statt nur für sich

Ohne weibliche Vorbilder glauben Frauen, dass sie keine Chance haben

Unternehmenskultur 4.0 - Wie Inklusion und „Psychological Safety“ den Erfolg und Misserfolg globaler Firmen bestimmen werden

Warum unser Gehirn erfolgreiche Frauen nicht verstehen will

Warum manche Männer so aggressiv auf Frauenthemen reagieren

Warum wir mehr Frauen in Führungspositionen brauchen

Scientific papers

Wendt L., Albring A., Schedlowski M. (2014): Learned placebo responses in neuroendocrine and immune functions. Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology 225, 159-181.

Wendt L.*, Albring A.*, Benson S., Engler H., Engler, A., Rief W., Hinney A., Witzke O., Schedlowski M. (2014): Catechol-O-methyltransferase val158met polymorphism and somatosensory amplification predict nocebo responses after cyclosporine A intake. PloS ONE 9, e107665.

Albring A.*, Wendt L.*, Benson S., Nissen S., Yavuz Z., Engler H., Witzke O., Schedlowski M. (2014): Preserving learned immunosuppressive placebo response: perspectives for clinical application. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 96, 247-255.

Albring, A., Wendt, L., Harz, N., Engler, H., Wilde, B., Witzke, O., Schedlowski, M. (2014): Short-term treatment with the calcineurin inhibitor cyclosporine A decreases HPA axis activity and plasma noradrenaline levels in healthy male volunteers. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior, 126C, 73–76.

Albring A.*, Wendt L.*, Benson S., Witzke O., Kribben A., Engler H., Schedlowski M. (2012): Placebo Effects on the Immune Response in Humans: The Role of Learning and Expectation. PloS ONE 7, e49477.

Albring A., Wendt L., Harz N., Engler H., Wilde B., Kribben A., Lindemann M., Schedlowski M., Witzke O. (2015): Relationship between pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of calcineurin inhibitors in renal transplant patients. Clinical Transplantation 29 (4), 294-300.

Dr. Laura on how to establish Mental Well-being in times of uncertainty

UNESCO Headquarter, Paris - Women of Influence Community Forum recap

Industry - Experience

I worked in more than 25 industries from automotive, financial services to telecommunication and renewables. Through that expertise I quickly understand the needs of my clients and I am able to speak their language.

  • Advertising
  • Agriculture
  • Asset management
  • Automotive
  • Banking
  • Chemicals
  • E-commerce
  • Education
  • Electronics
  • Electricity
  • Financial institutions
  • Government agencies
  • Healthcare
  • Hotel industry
  • Insurance
  • Leadership Coaches
  • Legal
  • Management Consultancies
  • Manufacturing
  • Non-profits
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Postal services
  • Real estate
  • Recruitment
  • Renewable energy
  • Research
  • Software industry
  • Telecommunication
  • Transportation industries

Get in touch with Dr. Laura

I would be delighted to hear from you, whether you want to find out more about our services and expertise or learn how we can support you and your organization.

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